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You are here:Destroyed Villages 1948»Ma’lul District of Nazareth

Occupation date; 14th of July 1948. The village has been mostly destroyed with the exception of the two village churches andMa´lul the village mosque.

According to the Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi, the village remaining structures on the village land are:  “The village site is now covered with a pine forest planted by the Jewish National Fimd and dedicated to the memory of prorninent Jews and some non-Jewish Americans and Europeans. A military base is also on the site. The mosque and two churches still stand, and are used intermittently as cow sheds by the residents of Kibbutz Kefar ha-Choresh. Overlooking Wadi al-Halabi, between the village site and the site of al-Mujaydil, is an Israeli plastics factory. Cactus, olive trees, and fig trees grow on the site, which is strewn with piles of stones. A few tombs in the Muslim cemetery across from the mosque can be seen. The main village site also contains the remains of houses.”

The Crusaders referred to the village by Maula. The village had a magnificent Roman mausoleum sometimes called Qasr al-Dayr. Migdal ha-‘Emeq, Kefar ha-Choresh, Timrat, and an Israeli military base.

Ma’lul inhabitants were completely ethnically cleansed.


Land ownership before occupation

Ethnic GroupLand Ownership (Dunums)
Arab 1,949
Jewish 2,719
Public 30
Total 4,698


Land usage in 1945

Land Usage TypeArab (Dunum)Jewish (Dunum)
Irrigated & Plantation 650 0
Area planted w/ olives 700 0
Planted W/ Cereal 784 2,678
Built up 29 35
Cultivable 1,434 2,678
Non-Cultivable 516 6


Population before occupation

1596 77
19th century 280
1912 296
1922 346
1931 390
1945 690
1948 800
Est. Refugees 1998 4,915



– History of Palestine – The Last Two Thousand Years by Jacob De Haas

All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 194 by Dr.Khalidi, Walid

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