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You are here:Destroyed Villages 1948»Atlit District of Haifa

Israeli occupation date: May 15, 1948 . No traces of Arab houses are left behind. ‘Atlit  District of HaifaAtlit inhabitants were completely ethnically cleansed. According to the Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi, the village remaining structures on the village land are:
“No traces of Arab houses are left. A railroad station that used to serve the village is still in use. A prison in the vicinity was used by Israel in 1989 for holding Lebanese and Palestinian detainees.”

During the Hellenistic period, ‘Atlit was known by Adarus. In 1296, descendants of the ‘Uwayrat tribe (a Tatar tribe) settled in ‘Atlit and its vicinity. Wadi al-Tabun, wadi al-Sukhul, and Wadi Falah are bordering the village. ‘Atlit contained a Crusades Castle called Castle Peregrinorum (castle of the pilgrims), and a Muslim cemetery east of the Crusader castle which has an Arabic inscription dating to 1800s.

Israeli settlements on town lands: ‘Atlit and Newe Yam. The number of houses in 1931 were 193.


Land ownership before occupation

Ethnic GroupLand Ownership (Dunums)
Arab 15
Jewish 5,262
Public 3,806
Total 9,083


Land usage in 1945

Land Usage TypeArab (Dunum)Jewish (Dunum)
Irrigated & Plantation 11 1,262
Planted W/ Cereal 247 3,169
Built up 0 124
Cultivable 258 4,431
Non-Cultivable 3,563 707


Population before occupation

19th century 200
1931 452
1945 660 (510 Jewish)
1948 174
Est. Refugees 1998 1,069



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